Beginning tomorrow, I will share a daily Bible verse on the subject of prayer.
We start today with Psalms 116:2.
“Because He has inclined His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live.”
When I was going through my counseling classes, we had an exercise that I did not enjoy. We had to put an empty chair in front of us, imagine someone is in the chair and share that name with the class. After this we had to talk to the imaginary person in the chair and confront them with how they offended us. It was supposed to help, but I just remember being glad when it was over.
For some folks, prayer is like talking to an empty chair. They are not sure God is listening. When you feel that way, you will not keep a faithful prayer life.
When you read today’s verse you will see why the Psalmist prayed and why he will always pray. The answer is found in the first part of the verse. “Because He has inclined His ear to me.” One translation put it, “Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”
When you believe that God is bending down to listen, like a loving father would do for a child, then you will pray. When you think God does not hear, then sermons and exhortations will not be enough to create a good prayer life.!
I’m Lonnie Davis and these are thoughts worth thinking.