The story of Ruth is a tale of loyalty, love, and redemption set during a time of famine. A Jewish family from Bethlehem fled to Moab, where, over a period of ten years, their lives unfolded. As Ruth 1:4 states:
“The sons of Elimelech took Moabite wives. One was named Orpah, and the other was named Ruth, and they lived there about ten years.”
Ruth stands at the heart of the Book of Ruth and occupies an important place in Jewish history. Her faith and determination ultimately placed her in the lineage of Jesus.
Here are key facts about her life:
- Though a Moabite—from a nation often in opposition to Israel—Ruth chose to follow Naomi, her Jewish mother-in-law, and embrace Israel’s God.
- She became a widow at a young age, likely in her late teens or early twenties, when her husband Mahlon died. This loss sparked her journey of faith. Sometimes in life, great adventures come from hard times.
- Her famous declaration in Ruth 1:16, “Where you go, I will go; where you stay, I will stay,” showed her complete devotion as she abandoned her former life to follow Naomi, her mother-in-law.
- Through humble grain-gleaning in the fields to support Naomi, Ruth caught the attention of Boaz, a wealthy landowner who later married her.
- As one of the few women in Jesus’ genealogy and the great-grandmother of King David, Ruth secured a vital place in biblical history.
Her story shows how faith and loyalty can bring unexpected blessings amid hardship, demonstrating God’s habit of working through unlikely individuals to fulfill His purpose.
I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.