Seeking Jesus

Our devotional thought comes from John 1:38.  

“Jesus turned and saw them following. ‘What do you want?’ He asked…They said to Him, ‘Rabbi, where are You staying?'”  

As we read this, we should realize that “What do you want?” was more than a simple question—He knows us better than we know ourselves—but He asks it because we must know what we want. We must speak our hunger before we can be fed.  

Many live their lives restless and unsatisfied, searching but never finding. They chase after success, approval, or comfort, thinking these things will fill the emptiness inside. But a newer car or bigger house is a temporary part of life. With this question, Jesus forces us to pause. Unless we recognize our need for God, we will never truly seek Him.  

Faith begins with awareness. If we long for peace, we must turn to the Prince of Peace. If we crave meaning, we must look to the One who gives purpose. If we desire love, we must open our hearts to the Savior. Until we acknowledge our own emptiness, we will settle for things that cannot satisfy.  

Jesus still asks, “What do you want?” Not because He doesn’t know, but because we must know. When we finally realize our deepest need, we will find that He is the only One who can meet it.  

I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.