Can Smart People Believe in God?

Our scripture for today is Genesis 1:1.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

This verse is only ten words long. Atheists rail against these ten words. Why? Because if you establish these words as true, then what else can you deny? If God created the universe, if he spoke it into existence, then surely he can heal the sick, make the blind see, or even raise the dead at the end of this world.  

I enjoy hearing bright people, learned people explain why we can have faith in God. One of these men is Dr. John Lennox, a scientist and mathematician. Sometime back, he was speaking to a group of professors and students at Oxford University in England.

One of the unbelieving professors said that God is like Santa Claus and that one day everyone would find out.

Dr. Lennox objected. God is not like Santa Claus. He asked the group of 2,000 adults who were in attendance, “How many of you came to believe in God after you became an adult?” Hundreds of hands went up. Then he asked, “How many of you believe in Santa Claus?” No hand went up.

He then added, “Your assertion is an insult to the intelligence of the people here. When an adult studies the question, he is often led to believe in God, never in Santa Claus.”

It is sad that people who think they are brilliant conclude that smart people can’t possibly believe in God. Really?

Let me list a few people who believe in God. 

1. Isaac Newton – Physicist and mathematician known for developing the laws of motion and gravity. He said, “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” In a word, God.

2. Galileo – An astronomer who played a major role in the scientific revolution. He believed science and religion could coexist. 

3. Louis Pasteur – Pioneering microbiologist who made groundbreaking discoveries in germ theory and immunization. He was a devout Believer.

4. Francis Bacon – A philosopher and scientist known as the father of the scientific method. He believed science was a way to understand God’s creation.

I could expand this list with hundreds of examples. May we never be intimidated by someone who thinks they are too smart to believe in God. Maybe they are just too blind.

Lonnie Davis