“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3)
Amos, a shepherd turned prophet, asked this simple question to illustrate a spiritual truth. Walking together implies unity. Two people cannot journey side by side if they are pulling in opposite directions. The same is true of our relationship with God.
Amos spoke these words to Israel, a nation that had turned from God’s ways. Though they claimed to be His people, their disobedience had created a rift, making it impossible for them to walk in harmony with Him. God’s path was righteousness, but they had chosen rebellion. The distance between them wasn’t because God moved—it was because they did.
This truth applies to our daily lives as well. Imagine two hikers on a trail, one wanting to take a shortcut while the other insists on following the map. If they refuse to agree, they will eventually part ways. The same is true with God—when we insist on our own way, we create distance from Him.
In marriage, friendship, or church fellowship, unity is essential. Disagreements are inevitable, but unless we find common ground, our walk together will suffer. Relationships thrive when built on shared values and a commitment to truth.
The key to walking with God is agreement with His Word—not just in knowledge, but in action. His direction is clear, and His steps are steady. If we find ourselves drifting, the solution isn’t to ask Him to adjust His course—it’s to align ourselves with His way.
So, take a moment to examine your walk. Are there areas where you are resisting God’s direction? In your choices, your relationships, your priorities—are you walking in agreement with Him? If you realize you’ve been moving in your own direction, don’t be discouraged. God invites you back into step with Him. Through prayer and time in His Word, you can realign your steps with His.
I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.
Can you add me to daily words?
Linda, Send me your phone number with your name and I will be happy too!