Jesus on Love

The Scripture for today is:  

“By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:35  

Love is the mark of a disciple. Not theology degrees, not church attendance, not a list of moral achievements—just love. Jesus made it simple but not easy. He didn’t say, “They will know you by your sermons.” He said they will know you by your love. Sermons and rules and morals are important, but it is by our love that we are known.  

Love is what sets us apart. When people see patience where there could be irritation, kindness where there could be bitterness, and grace where there could be condemnation, they recognize something different. They see Jesus in us.  

The world is watching. They are looking at how Christians treat each other, how we handle disagreements, and how we respond to those who offend us. Jesus didn’t say it’s about loving those who agree with us. He didn’t say we should only love the people who make it easy. He said love one another. That includes the difficult, the frustrating, and the ones who get under our skin.  

Love is not weakness. It’s not soft or passive. Love is the most powerful force on earth. It changes people, heals wounds, and bridges gaps that nothing else can. And when we love the way Jesus calls us to, the world sees the true mark of a disciple.

I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.