The verse for today is from Ezra:
“For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD and to do it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.” – Ezra 7:10
Ezra wasn’t just a scribe; he was a man with a mission. He didn’t study the Word of God out of duty—he set his heart on it. He committed himself to knowing it, living it, and sharing it. That’s a pattern worth following.
First, Ezra studied! He didn’t just glance at Scripture; he dug deep. He wanted to understand God’s truth, not just skim the surface. That’s an invitation for us, too. Do you want to be spiritual? First you study.
Second, Ezra did! He lived what he learned. He wasn’t interested in knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The truth took root in his life and shaped his choices. We sometimes struggle with that, don’t we? It’s one thing to read about forgiveness, but another to actually forgive. It’s easy to study humility, but harder to walk in it. Ezra reminds us that faith isn’t just something we learn; it’s something we live.
Finally, Ezra taught! What he learned and lived, he passed on. He didn’t keep it to himself. He helped others understand God’s ways. Whether you’re leading a Bible study, raising a family, or simply sharing encouragement with a friend, you have opportunities to do the same.
So, here is the three-step process for the spiritual side of your life: 1. Study, 2. Do, and 3. Teach. Set your heart on God’s Word. Let it shape your life. And pass it on. This is the secret of Spiritual growth.
I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.