Today’s wisdom comes from Zechariah.
“Who despises the day of small things?”
– Zechariah 4:10
We love the big moments. The grand entrances, the amazing turnarounds, the instant successes. But God? He has a habit of starting small. A mustard seed. A shepherd boy. A baby in a manger.
Zechariah was speaking to a people discouraged by their small beginnings. They had returned from exile and were rebuilding the temple, but it looked unimpressive compared to the glory of Solomon’s structure. Some of them sighed, wondering if their efforts even mattered. But God had a word for them: “Do not despise the day of small things.”
Small things hold great promise in the hands of God. David’s first battle wasn’t against Goliath; it was tending sheep and fighting off animals. The disciples didn’t begin by preaching to thousands; they started by following a carpenter from Nazareth. Even Jesus Himself grew in wisdom and stature before He began His ministry.
Maybe your efforts feel small. The prayers whispered over a child’s bedside. The quiet faithfulness of showing up day after day. The unnoticed acts of kindness. But God sees d them. He delights in the small things, because He knows where they lead.
In light of this, don’t despise today’s small task. Celebrate it. Faithfulness in the little leads to something far greater than we can imagine.
I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.