Water Walking

Peter was a “Water Walker,” but even he began to sink. As he began to sink:

“Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter. ‘You of little faith,’ He said, ‘why did you doubt?’” (Matthew 14: 31)

Faith is a beautiful thing when it’s steady, but oh how fragile it becomes when fear walks in. One moment Peter was doing the impossible, walking on water with his eyes locked on Jesus. The next, his gaze shifted to the wind and waves, and fear grabbed hold of his heart. In an instant, the faith that carried him onto the water crumbled beneath his feet.

We can relate to Peter, can’t we? Life has a way of throwing storms our direction—unexpected diagnoses, financial struggles, broken relationships. We start off with confidence, trusting God will see us through. But then the wind howls, the waves crash, and we feel the cold spray of uncertainty. Suddenly, fear seems more real than our faith.

But here’s the beautiful truth: Jesus didn’t leave Peter to sink. His hand was reaching, holding, even as the words left His mouth. “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Jesus didn’t ask to shame Peter, but to remind him where faith truly comes from—not from perfect circumstances, but from a perfect Savior.

Faith isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about choosing to trust, even when fear shouts louder. When our eyes stay on Jesus, fear loses its grip, and faith finds solid ground again.

Whatever storm you’re in, read today’s passage and you will see Jesus standing there, hand extended, ready to catch you.

I’m Lonnie Davis and these are thoughts worth thinking.

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