No Secret Faith

Picture the scene: a woman, weary from years of bleeding, edges through the crowd. She’s desperate, yet discreet. Her plan? A secret rendezvous with Jesus’ power. Just a brush against His cloak—quietly, anonymously—and she’d slip away, healed. No one would know. She reaches, touches, and instantly, the flow stops. 

Luke 8:43-44 says,

“She came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of His cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. ‘Who touched Me?’ Jesus asked. But they all denied it.”

Miracle received; mission accomplished. Or so she thought.

“Who touched Me?” The disciples shrug—everyone’s jostling Him! Yet He knows this was different. Her touch wasn’t a bump in the crowd; it was faith reaching out. She wanted His power on the sly, a private transaction—His blessing without the broadcast. She believed in Him, sure, but hoped to keep it under wraps.

She would learn that Jesus doesn’t do undercover miracles. His touch isn’t a stealth operation. When He heals, it’s not just your body that mends—it’s your story that shifts. The woman’s secret couldn’t stay hidden. Her healing shouted what her lips wouldn’t: “I’ve been with Jesus!” He drew her out, not to shame her, but to show her—and us—that touching Him changes everything, visibly.

We can’t swipe His grace and slink away unchanged. To encounter Jesus is to wear His mark, to glow with His presence. Try as we might for a hushed faith, His love spills over, evident to all. A secret relationship with Jesus? Impossible. His touch transforms, and the world notices.

I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.

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