A Quote from Ezekiel

The Quote for today is from Ezekiel:

“I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 11:19)

Ezekiel spoke these words to a people in exile, far from home and hope. Their hearts had grown cold, as ours sometimes can when life wounds us. 

Disappointment has a way of hardening us. 

Betrayal builds walls. 

Grief makes it easier to withdraw, to protect ourselves from feeling too much. 

A heart of stone feels safe—after all, nothing can break what’s already hardened. But that was never God’s plan for us.

Through Ezekiel, God gives a powerful promise: He will replace what has become unfeeling with something new—something alive. A heart of flesh that beats with hope. It receives love and gives love in return. That’s what God offers when He says, “I will remove from you your heart of stone.”

What area of your heart has turned to stone? Is there a wound you refuse to let go of? A person you can’t forgive? A disappointment that’s made you stop believing things can get better? 

Ask God to remove the stone and replace it with something living, something real. A heart that beats in rhythm with His.

Take a moment today. Bend the knee. Read His word. Follow His plan.

I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.