Here’s a Scripture from Joshua.
Joshua 3:4
“Keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it.”
To understand this, you need the backstory.
Forty years after leaving Egypt, Israel was finally ready to enter the Promised Land. They had crossed the Red Sea, traversed mountains and deserts, and now faced their last physical barrier—the Jordan River. But the river was swollen and dangerous, and two million people needed to cross. As they stood on the brink, God gave them specific instructions: follow the ark, but “keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it.”
At first glance, this command might seem odd. With urgency to cross, why did God tell them to stay two-thirds of a mile behind the ark?
God answered that question Himself:
“Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.”
They needed to see the ark lead the way, to follow a path already walked. It’s always easier to travel a road when someone has gone before you.
This isn’t just a lesson for crossing rivers; it’s a rule for life. Whether you want to be a baker, a banker, or a business owner, find someone who’s been there before. Learn from their steps.
Life is much harder when you try to walk it alone.
I’m Lonnie Davis and these are thoughts worth thinking.