A Simple Meal

Our text today is Proverbs 15:17.

“Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fattened ox and hatred therewith.” 

This verse cuts through our materialistic world, offering a profound truth: true joy doesn’t come from fancy possessions or extravagant displays, but flourishes in the fertile ground of love.

Imagine a simple meal shared with loved ones. The food might be basic, but the laughter and warmth around the table elevate the experience. Conversation flows freely, seasoned with shared stories and inside jokes. There’s a sense of belonging, of being accepted and appreciated for who you are. This simple gathering, fueled by love, creates a memory far more precious than any fleeting pleasure derived from material possessions.

On the other hand, consider a great feast consumed in an atmosphere of tension and animosity. The richness of the food is overshadowed by the coldness in the air. Forced conversations and awkward silences make the experience hollow. 

The proverb doesn’t suggest that material things are bad.  However, it reminds us not to prioritize possessions over genuine connection. A simple sandwich shared with love creates a richness that transcends a great feast. After all, the most delicious meals are always the ones seasoned with love.

At the end of your life, when you reflect on the great meals, it will not be the public banquet, but rather, you will long for the good old days, and the meals around the table with your family.

Remember this the next time you sit at a simple table with your family. 

I’m Lonnie Davis

And these are thoughts worth thinking.