A Word from Samuel

The quote for today is from Samuel: 

“Only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you.” – 1 Samuel 12:24  

There’s something powerful about the word “consider.” It invites us to pause, to reflect, to remember. Samuel wasn’t just offering a suggestion; he was giving a roadmap for living a life rooted in gratitude and faithfulness.  

Imagine Samuel standing before the people of Israel, his voice steady but filled with urgency. They had demanded a king, drifting from their trust in God, yet Samuel reminded them: “Don’t forget who has been with you all along.”

And isn’t that a word we need today? Life pulls us in every direction—work, worries, relationships, ambitions. But Samuel’s wisdom cuts through the noise: “Pause. Look back. Remember.” Hasn’t God carried you through storms you thought would drown you? Hasn’t He opened doors you didn’t even know existed? When you reflect on His faithfulness, it stirs something deep—faith, reverence, love.  

To fear the Lord isn’t about trembling in terror; it’s about standing in awe of His goodness, His power, His mercy. And when that awe takes root in your heart, service becomes a natural response. You want to serve Him—not out of obligation, but from a heart overflowing with gratitude.  

So today, take Samuel’s advice. Consider the great things God has done for you. Let that reflection shape your heart and your actions.  

I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.