Why do you read the Bible?
The other day I was reading some old notes about why we ought to read the Bible. The notes were the usual things that preachers share:
(1) It is the inspired Word of God,
(2) It tells us about God,
(3) It contains the answers to life’s question.
To that list I want to add another. “Appetite comes with eating.”
The full text of this old French proverb says, “Appetite comes with eating; the more one has, the more one would have.”
That may not seem like a reason to read the Bible, but after you think about it, it will make sense.
When I first read this proverb I too raced through it and did not see the great truth in it. Later I began to reflect on it and realized the life principle in it. Its meaning is simple.
Appetite comes with eating. If you are watching your weight and want to avoid eating a donut tomorrow, do not eat one today.
If you want to avoid eating a second piece of cake, do not eat the first piece.
“Appetite comes with eating; the more one has, the more one would have.”
There is a spiritual application to this.
If you want to be more spiritual, start acting spiritual.
If you want to build a great prayer life, start a small prayer life. It will grow.
If you want to get into the habit of worshipping God faithfully, go to church next Sunday, then go the next and the next.
In time it will all seem normal to you. Appetite comes from eating.
Once I was teaching Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” One of the class members asked, “How can you develop a hunger for righteousness?” It was then that my mind ran back to this old proverb, “Appetite comes with eating.”
If you want to become more spiritual tomorrow, practice spiritual things today. One does not become a great prayer warrior in one day. One does not go from casual acquaintance with the Bible to deep knowledge in one week. Begin today to make small spiritual things. It will make the big spiritual things feel more natural tomorrow.
Appetite comes with eating.
~Lonnie Davis