Day 62: Choose Your Path

Matthew 7:13-14

[13] Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. [14] But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. 

We title this devotional: Choosing the Right Path.

In these verses, Jesus urges us to choose the narrow gate that leads to life, instead of the wide gate that leads to destruction. He warns us that many people will take the easy and popular way, but only a few will find the true and lasting way. 

This principle calls us to question our life decisions and values. Each of us should ask whether we are conforming to the world or transforming through the Word? Are we pursuing temporary happiness or eternal joy? Are we ready to give up our selfish desires and follow God’s will? 

The path to life requires discipline and dedication. To choose it, you have to go against the instincts of the natural man. Eventually, the righteous path will get easier and more natural to walk, but it takes growth to reach that point.

The path to life is hard but rewarding. It is the path of trust, obedience, and love. It is the path that Jesus exemplified and invites us to join him.

Of course, Jesus also speaks of the wide path, that is, the easy and undisciplined path. If you ever doubt where that leads, go down and look at any river. You will note that the river follows the path of least resistance, and is therefore crooked. The path of least resistance also leads to crooked men.

We get to choose our path.

Lonnie Davis