Eight Lessons for Water Walking

Eight Lessons on Water Walking

Our Scripture reading today is about the time that Jesus walked on water and Peter walked out to meet him. We will read a little of the story from Matthew 14:29-31:

[29] “Come,” said Jesus.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. [30] But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
[31] Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter. “You of little faith,” He said, “why did you doubt?”

Do you want to be a water walker? Let’s ask that another way, do you ever want to do amazing things? Doing something amazing is what little boys and girls dream about. After I read today’s story about Jesus walking on the water, I reflected on things I learned about walking on water. Here is a list of eight things.

1. You are never so far away from Jesus that he can’t find you. Even in a boat, in a windstorm, Jesus came to them.

2. Sometimes you have to walk on water at inconvenient times. This walk was during the fourth watch, which would have been after 3 AM.

3. You have to leave the boat before you can walk on water. The boat felt safe, but that is not where heroes are made.

4. Often, even good people won’t walk on water. Peter was in the boat with many good people, disciples of Jesus, but only he walked on water.

5. Take your eyes off Jesus and you will sink. Peter began to sink when he saw the wind instead of looking to Jesus.

6. Prayers don’t have to be long. Peter’s prayer was only three words long – “Lord, save me.”

7. God answers prayers. Peter didn’t debate the merits of prayer. He just prayed and left the answer to God. “Immediately Jesus reached out his hand” and caught him.

8. Faith and doubt exist in the same good people. Peter had the faith to walk on water, but the doubts to sink. Faith involves growth over time.

Remember these lessons. You never know when you need to walk on water.

Lonnie Davis

2 thoughts on “Eight Lessons for Water Walking”

  1. I loved those eight points Lonnie!
    Thank you for being faithful in sending these every day!

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