First Bible Question

Our devotional thought comes from Genesis 3:1.

“Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden”?’”

Some lies don’t sound like lies at all. They sound like harmless questions. That’s exactly how the enemy worked in the garden—he didn’t start with an outright lie, but with a whisper of doubt. “Did God really say?” That question didn’t just challenge Eve’s memory; it challenged God’s character, His goodness, and His truthfulness.

Satan didn’t shove Eve into sin—he simply nudged her toward uncertainty. And he still does the same today. Have you ever faced a moment where you second-guessed God? Maybe He’s called you to trust Him in a tough season, but you find yourself asking, “Did God really mean that for me?”

Doubt isn’t always loud. It sneaks in through worries, disappointments, and subtle messages. But here’s the difference between Eve and Jesus. When the enemy whispered to Eve, she entertained the thought. She weighed her options. But when the enemy whispered to Jesus in the wilderness, He didn’t waver—He answered with Scripture and truth.

That’s our model. When doubt knocks, don’t open the door. Answer it with Scripture. God’s Word is solid, unchanging, and true.
I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.

One thought on “First Bible Question”

  1. Lonnie I love the way you bring out your information in Day Words
    Today was so true. and it really makes you think. your Day Words boost me everyday. thank you for caring enough to post them

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