Our text for today is Palms 23:1
“The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.”
I love the story of the little first grade girl who was asked to recite the 23rd Psalm. She stood and faced the class before reciting, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” She paused before continuing and then added, “and that’s all I know.” The punch line is, of course, that is enough if we really believe it.”
After 60 years of knowing this Psalm, I am surprised to learn that I am still learning to look at it in different ways. It seems that this Psalm is about how we are sheep and how we act like sheep. This certainly is true, but the real point of this Psalm is that God is our shepherd.
No sheep ever worried at night about how tomorrow would turn out. No sheep ever fretted because it didn’t know if he might be hurt tomorrow. No sheep every went to sleep angry with other sheep. Since we are sheep and God is our shepherd, we ought to turn those concerns over to our shepherd.
Of course, we should plan and do all we can, but when we have reached our limits, we know that our Shepherd will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
Consider comparing Matthew 28 and John 11. In John 11, Jesus comes to the tomb with Mary and Martha. At Lazarus’ tomb, he tells the people to “Roll away the stone.” In Matthew 28, the women come to the tomb of Jesus and find that God has already rolled away the stone. In Matthew 28, the people could move the stone. In John 11, the women could not move the stone. What the people could do, God required it from them. What they could not do, God did it for them.
That is the point of Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” As our shepherd, God will help you do what you cannot do for yourself.” You are never powerless, because your Shepherd is never powerless.
Lonnie Davis