How to Live in Peace
Our Scripture for today is Romans 12:18
“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”
We could wish that we might always find peace and goodness in others. Sometimes, this is not possible. When you watch the news and see the world around you, you know there is evil in this world, and sometimes it gets into the hearts of people.
Sadly, sometimes the peaceless hearts are not from the news but from life around you.
Since it is not possible to always live in peace with some, here is the command: make sure it is not you who causes the strife. As the scripture says, “As much as it depends on you.”
The story is told of a man who was shipwrecked on an island for five years. Finally, one day a ship found him. When he was found there were three huts on the island.
“What are the three buildings?” he was asked.
He answered, “That first building is the house where I live. The second building is where I go to church.”
He was asked about the third building. “Well,” he said, “that third building is where I used to go to church.”
You see, some folks cannot find peace, even with themselves. If a man or woman cannot be at peace with themselves, they will never be at peace with you.
Love them anyway!
Lonnie Davis