I Wish You an F

I wish you an “F”

Our text for today is Luke 15:17-20. It is the story of the Prodigal Son, serving as a pig-pen attendant and deciding to go home.

“But when he came to himself he said…I will arise and go to my father…and he arose and went.”

I love these words because they tell us a person can make life better. A person who has made poor choices can turn those choices around. He decided to go home and then he did it.

A fellow once asked, “If 10 men were sitting on a porch and three of them said, ‘I am going to go to town.’ How many men are left on the porch?” The answer is 10. Just because they say they are going to go to town, doesn’t mean they are going to do it.

In Jesus’ story, the Prodigal arose and went. He followed through on making a good decision.

Why do I wish you an “F” in you life? Actually, I wish you five F’s Because an “F” represents a good decision. One wiseman said that there are five F’s that each person must seek.

1. F for Faith. Hebrews said, “With out faith it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:6).

2. F for Family. Get this one right or in the end, nothing will have been right.

3. F for Finances. There are rules for dealing with finance. Learn them and use them wisely. If you don’t then you will have be financially stressed. Your life will be filled with anxiety.

4. F for Friends. 

5. F for Fitness.

To build successful lives, we do not choose which of these to build into their lives. We have to have all five F’s. I do not wish you just an F for your life. I wish you five F’s. 

Faith – Family – Finances – Friends – Fitness.

Lonnie Davis