Is Faith Blind?

Today’s Bible verse is Romans 1:20.

“Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead.”

Those who do not believe that there is a God love to say we have no evidence for God. In fact, they often refer to our faith as blind faith.

Recently I heard a speaker compare faith in God to a scene from Indiana Jones. In one episode, Indiana entered a large cave/temple and came to a wide chasm he had to cross. He handled it by taking a blind step of faith. He stepped into the chasm and blindly felt an invisible bridge. That scene is often thought of when we think about taking a step of faith. It misses the point.

After the lesson, I pointed out to the speaker that in the movie, Indiana crossed the bridge twice. The first time he stepped blindly. The second time he stooped down, grabbed some pebbles and tossed them into the chasm. They landed upon the previously unseen bride. He saw some of the bridge and then stepped on it.

The second example more aptly shows the way we have faith in God. God does not call on us to blindly believe.

In Exodus 4, Moses faltered in his call from God. God then showed him evidence that he was God. In Judges 6, Gideon puts out a fleece to test what God wants of him. In both cases God gave them all the evidence that was needed. 

In today’s verse, God said, “His invisible attributes are clearly seen.” How do we see the invisible attributes of God? We understand what we can’t see about God, by seeing the things he does show, that is, “the things that are made.”

Our faith is not blind. It is grown by the evidence we can see.

Lonnie Davis