Meeting Abraham

Where do we begin to recognize the greatness of Abraham? Perhaps with this thought: Abraham, the father of Isaac and Jacob, holds a special place in the world’s three major religions—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Other than Jesus, he is revered by more people than any other man in history.

This is a wow thought, but there is one that I like even better: In Isaiah 41:8, God Himself says, “But you, Israel, My servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, descendant of Abraham My friend.” 

Abraham is called the friend of God. Wow! But Why? Consider this story:

Abraham was living with his family in his homeland when God suddenly spoke to him, telling him to leave home. If this happened to you, would you feel excited or afraid? This marked the beginning of Abraham’s journey of faith.

From Ur, Abram and his family walked 600 miles to Haran. After his father Terah died there, Abram continued from Haran to Canaan, which added another 400–500 miles.

In total, Abram’s journey from Ur to Canaan spanned about 1,000–1,200 miles. 

But wait! There’s more: This long journey was on foot, with flocks, herds, and family. It likely took several months or even years.  Hebrews 11:8 says this about the journey: “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, without knowing where he was going.”

Read his story in Genesis 12 through 25.

—Tomorrow we will meet Adam, the first man.

I’m Lonnie Davis and these are thoughts worth thinking.

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