Meeting Queen Esther

Meeting Esther

There is a great quote on courage that says, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

Esther’s story is one of courage, faith, and trust in God’s plan. She was an orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai.

Esther’s life changed when King Xerxes of Persia chose her to be queen. After Queen Vashti was removed, the king searched for a new queen, and Esther, with her kindness and beauty, won his favor. Even though she was Jewish, she kept her background a secret.

For a long time, Esther’s true identity remained hidden. But when Haman, a powerful official, devised a plan to destroy all the Jews, Esther knew she couldn’t stay silent. Mordecai urged her to speak to the king, even though approaching him uninvited could mean death. Esther knew she had to act.

Before going to the king, Esther asked Mordecai and the Jews in the city to join her in a three-day fast, seeking God’s help. This action showed her great faith and trust in God’s guidance.

Finally, Esther went to the king, saying, “If I perish, I perish.” Her words showed her courage and willingness to risk everything to save her people. Her bravery and faith led to the salvation of the Jewish people.

Esther’s story reminds us that one person, with faith and courage, can make a difference.

I’m Lonnie Davis and these are thoughts worth thinking.

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