Dog BItes and Prayer

A father’s life is full of surprises. The other day I read the story of a father who walked up on his son and his dog. The dog, a full grown Labrador named Kelly and the four-year-old boy named Josh had a wonderful relationship. Though the dog and the boy loved each other, the dog often had to put up with the boy. Josh loved to hug the dog. Kelly would take as much as he could, but would invariably turn around and nip at the boy to make him turn lose.

One day the father walked up just as Josh had Kelly in one of his big hugs. He had his arms around the dog and his head tucked into the dog’s body so that Kelly could not bite him so easily. As Dad walked by he noticed that Josh’s eyes were closed and heard him say a little prayer, “Dear God, please don’t let Kelly bite me.”

It was cute but the dad could not miss a chance to teach a lesson about prayer. “Josh,” the father said, “God would be more apt to answer your prayer, if you would let go of the dog.”

We too are like the little boy holding on to the dog that he knows will bite him and praying that the dog won’t bite. We do things that will bite us, but don’t want to feel the bite. What do we do to stop the biting? We pray. I am all for prayer. It is the greatest thing in the world, but usually the answer is prayer plus something else. That something else is to stop doing the thing that is going to bring us pain.

We pray for a happy marriage and then neglect one another. We pray for a closer walk with God but do not read His Word. We pray for peace and live life at a frantic pace.

On and on the list could go. Each of us should examine the things that we pray for and then decide what we can do to help make the prayers come true. Keep on praying, but do your part too.

Lonnie Davis

Caterpillars Don’t Die

The story is told of a quite happy caterpillar who found that his life was
changing. He noticed that things weren’t like they used to be. Finally one
day he began to crawl out of his skin. He was quite surprised to see that
though he was changing, he was still okay.  Soon he found himself a beautiful butterfly.

He was no longer bound to the trails of the earth below, but could fly on the winds above. He was no longer the ordinary looking caterpillar, but was now a beautiful butterfly. He soared above, looking down on the old shell that was still down below. He thought how lucky he was to have made such a marvelous change.

As he looked below, he saw some of his old caterpillar friends, crawling
slowly across the old trails that he had walked. They found his old shell
and began to weep. He tried to shout to them that all was well, that he was
even happier, but he did not seem to be able to reach them. From his lofty
position, he looked down on those he had left behind and watched as they
gathered around his discarded shell and wept.

He could not tell, them, but leaving the old shell behind was not the end,
it was just the beginning of the real beauty that God had in store for him.
He knew that someday, they would join him and understand that caterpillars dont die, they just become beautiful butterflies.


In Memory of Liz Davis

No, Liz is not gone, but the words she shared with me are words I hope will out live her an me.

I wondered what her favorite verse was and so I asked her. She quickly answered, “Philippians 4:13.”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

I guess many people would have picked that same verse, but with Liz it was different. Let me explain why.

We were riding in our car, on the way to one of her dialysis appointments. Three times a week for four hours each time, they run all of her blood through a machine and put it back into her, a little at a time. At the end of the process she gets to skip a day and then do it again.

As we were riding to the center. I asked her about her jaw. She is slowly recovering from a nerve surgery designed to get rid of six years of severe, everyday facial pain. I asked how she was doing and she replied, “Okay, right now.”

I was quiet for a minute and then asked, “Liz, do you ever get in despair?” She answered, “No.” Living in the peripheral of all of this, I wanted to know why. She told me, “Because I am one of God’s children and He will take care of me.”

Her word made me really appreciate her faith and choice of her favorite verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

When I think of the times I feel like I have problems, I am humbled by her. I am reminded of the words of the poet, “Oh God, forgive me when I whine.”

Lonnie Davis

Knowing What to Do

In 1939, the Nazis were invading the Netherlands. The first people to be affected were the Jews who lived in the Netherlands. A group of Christians came to the Dutch theologian, Henry Cramer, and told him, “Our Jewish neighbors are missing from their homes.” They then asked, “What must we do?”

 Cramer’s answered, “I cannot tell you what to do. I can tell you who you are. If you know who you are then you will know what to do.”

 Read those last words again, “If you know who you are, then you will know what to do.” The Nazis are not marching in our streets, but those words should still convict us. When Satan sends temptations, you do not need to ask what to do. You only need to remember who you are.

 Sometimes Christians will be confronted with a temptation to evil. It sounds holy and righteous to hear them say, “I will pray to God for an answer about what I should do.” It is not holy and righteous. It is weak. God has already told us what to do with sin. We only need to remember who we are.

 In our story, the men and women who asked the question of Henry Cramer became part of the Dutch resistance movement. They helped save the lives of many. In times of stress and temptation, if you and I will remember who God is and who we are, it will determine our conduct.

 2,000 years ago, on a storm tossed ship in the middle of the sea, Paul used that principle to make his decision. He told the freighted sailors, “Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.” (Acts 27:23-25)

 Paul said, “I know God knows me and I know who I am and whose I am.” Since he knew these things, he knew what to do. When you know those things, you too will know what to do.


                                                                                                ~Lonnie Davis

Just Do It!

Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying,
“Arise and go toward the south along the road which
goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is desert.
—Acts 8:26


Just Do It!


It seemed like a simple command to just go to a certain road. There was no “I have a person for you to talk to,” or “there you will lead someone to Christ.” Later, of course, God did give him the opportunity to tell someone about God, but when the command came, it was a “just do it” thing. Just go!

 Philip did “just do it.” There were many human reasons why he should not have gone. (1) He was doing a great work of evangelism where he was. (2) Where God told him to go was out the middle of nowhere. Surely he could do more good with all the people where he was. (3) It was an 80 miles trip and he had to walk. (4) There were Apostles who were 30 miles closer to this place than Philip was.

 Sometimes being a follower of God means doing what we do not understand. This was one of those times. For all the good that Philip did while he was converting people in Samaria, we know nothing of their stories. Because he went to this deserted place we have this great story of the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch. For 2,000 years people have proclaimed this story and even now in the twenty-first century it leads people to Christ.

 Contained in this story is the real secret to being a great Christian. The secret? Whatever God wants you to do, just do it!

 Philip did not question God’s wisdom. He knew that God knew what He was doing. Too many times when God touches our lives with 80 miles of our own hard journey, we question God and grumble about the hard spot God has put us in.

 Philip knew God’s hand was in the journey. God’s hand is in your journey too.

 Just do it!

 Lonnie Davis

HeartWord – James 1:22

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”




Death – Thou Art a Wasp

Death – Thou Art a Wasp
It was a Sunday morning. As I was getting ready for church, out of the corner of my eye I saw something red flying in my bedroom. I looked again and caught the quick glimpse of a wasp. I am a waspaphobic (I made up the word, but it is a fear of being stung by wasps). I quickly grabbed something with which to kill the wasp. Turning my head for just a minute allowed the wasp to disappear from sight. I closed the door and began my hunt. Nothing!
As it was getting time to go to church I was sure to keep the door closed when I left. Sunday afternoon was dedicated to a wasp hunt. Nothing! My wife even hunted him a time or two. Nothing! A few hours later and it was time for bed. With great trepidation I crawled into bed.
Did I mention that I am a waspaphobic? How does one sleep with a wasp in the room? The answer is “lightly.” When I did not see the wasp for two days, I convinced myself that Mr. Wasp went out of the house the same way he came into it. Tuesday morning at 2 AM I woke up and saw him back in my room. Just as quickly as he came, he disappeared again. I sat on the edge of the bed holding a fly swatter until 3AM. It wasn’t until Friday that I saw and killed him. There is peace in my house again.
I guess we all understand the torment that comes from such a situation, but let me share two important facts.
1. The wasp can sting me, but it will not kill me.
2. The wasp will ultimately lose the battle.
Oh Death, thou art a wasp. Death can sting me but it cannot destroy me. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” (Matthew 10:28) Death is a temporary situation that only looks final. In the end, I will get up from the dead and so will you. Paul wrote, “We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. (1 Thessalonians 4:14)
Death can make you afraid. You can sit on your bed and worry through the night. Death can sting you, but in the end it will lose the battle. Jesus assured the victory.
~Lonnie Davis

The Blessings of Overcoming Hard Days

Somewhere I read, “If you would be successful, do the things that are hard and lonely.” Everyone can do the fun things, the social things, or the easy things. Anyone can watch a football game with a friend or go to a movie with a special person. These things are fun and social for most of us. Doing them will bring us no lasting success.

Few people are willing to do the hard things, the lonely things. Few people are willing to spend time alone memorizing math formulas so those who do are thought of as smart. Few people are willing to set up at night with the television off and memorize passages from God’s word. To get ahead in your job or any part of your life, be willing to do the hard and lonely things. The fact that they are hard will mean you will be lonely in doing them, but doing those things will set you apart from the crowd. Do not curse the hard circumstances, but rather relish them as opportunities for victory.

Abraham Lincoln was reared in poverty. It was hard, but he was willing to overcome it. Franklin D Roosevelt was a victim of polio. Beethoven, one of the true musical geniuses of the world, was completely deaf. Their problems, their almost impossible circumstances simply meant they must work harder. They did the work, the hard and lonely work. We will always remember them. Never give up just because something is hard. The fact that circumstances are hard is what allows your victory to be great.

In the 17th century Anne Bradstreet put it beautifully, “If we had no winter; the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”

There is a blessing to be gained from overcoming hard days.

Lonnie Davis

HeartWord – Proverbs 3:5,6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Before He Was Born

Before He Was Born
When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, Jesus was there. When Abraham of the Old Testament was childless, Jesus was there. When Noah started building the ark, Jesus was there. When Adam was created, Jesus was there.
 In Genesis 1:26, God said, “Let us make man in our image.” Who do you think He was talking to when he said that? Who is the “us” of that verse? John 1:1-2 makes that clear. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.”
He was talking to Jesus. Jesus is the one who made everything that has been made. Jesus is not just the carpenter from Nazareth. He is also the great carpenter of the universe. He made the sun, the moon, and the stars. He made the cattle and the birds and the fish. He made man and woman. He made the angels. He made me and He made you.
 What was His name before it was Jesus? No one really knows. Some commentators think he is the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament. He is one of the three in the Godhead. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that he is.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” – Matthew 28:19-20
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” – 2 Corinthians 13:14
He always was. He always is. He always will be. That is the definition of an eternal God. Our minds are unable to imagine the possibility of a place where time does not exist, where time is irrelevant, where there are no clocks or calendars. Such a place is where Jesus was, where Jesus is, where Jesus always will be.
Since He is there and I am going there, then there will never be another time when I will not exist.  This is because of who Jesus is and who He was before He was born on earth.
       ~Lonnie Davis

Dippin’ Dots in the Door

Dippin’ Dots in the Door

 Some years ago, when two of my grandchildren were small, I wrote the following words.

In case you do not know what Dippin Dots are, they are little BB size ice cream balls. One buys them by the cup. As I am a fan of big spoons of ice-cream, I am not a fan of Dippin’ Dots. The other day I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things that were needed. When I got to the ice cream section I noticed little one dollar bowls of Dippin’ Dots. Even though they are not my favorite I do know a couple of kids that like them so I picked up two. I brought them home and put them in the freezer door. The two children that love them do not even know they are there. One day soon they will come to my house and I will surprise them with the little blessing I am saving for them. I know they will love it.

That was then and now my grandkids are older and past the dippin’ dots age, but this story still makes me smile. Mostly because this story reminds me of what God does for us. He prepares blessings and waits for the right time to give them to us. This is what Paul meant when he wrote 1 Corinthians 2:9,  “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”

 While here on earth, the blessing sometimes takes the form of a beautiful day or a night of sweet sleep. Sometimes the blessing is an encouraging word from a friend.  Sometimes the blessing is unexpected money to pay a bill. Sometimes the blessing is more spectacular. It is a job that we get just in the nick of time or an answer to a prayer for cancer.

All of these are wonderful, but our greatest blessing is waiting on the other side of the door. John wrote about it. “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Rev 21:2-4)

 I can hardly wait!

Lonnie Davis

HeartWord – 1 Chronicles 29:12

“Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.”

Following Behind

Forty years after leaving Egypt, Israel was ready to enter the Promised Land. They had crossed the Red Sea, mountains, and deserts and finally they came to the last physical barrier to that Promised Land, the Jordan River. As Israel stood on the brink and ready to cross, it was a daunting task, perhaps even scary. The river was swollen and dangerous and there were two million people that needed to cross. As they got ready to cross, God gave them the order to follow the ark as they crossed the river. He gave them specific details about the march. He said to them:
“Keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it.” (Joshua 3:4).
This commandment from the Lord may seem strange. The people needed to cross the Jordan as soon as they possible, yet they were told to lag 2/3 of a mile behind the ark.
There is no guess needed here. God told them why they should follow 1,000 yards behind the ark. “Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.” They followed because they needed to see someone else walk the path before them. It is easier to travel if you know someone who has walked that way before.
This is a great rule for everything in life. Any path you want to walk, whether that of a baker, a banker, or a business owner, find someone who has walked the path before you and then learn from them. Don’t live your life like you are the first one to ever walk the paths of life.
Lonnie Davis
HeartWord – Proverbs 3:5,6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”