Samuel Again!

I don’t often circle back to the same scripture. But today, I’d like us to linger a little longer on a verse from Samuel. It says:

“Only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you.” – 1 Samuel 12:24

I love that phrase: “Consider what great things He has done for you.” It’s simple, but it carries the weight of a lifetime.

In nearly fifty years of ministry, I’ve sat through more elders’ meetings than I can count. They involve lots of decisions, plenty of prayers, and yes, plenty of challenges to navigate. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been knee-deep in some tough situation when I’ve had to say, “Guys, we’ve handled tougher things than this.” Maybe it was a financial struggle, a church conflict, or an unexpected setback. And you know what? That little reminder always seemed to shift the atmosphere. A bit of strength would slip back into the room, and we’d remember—we’ve been here before, and God saw us through.

Life’s like that, isn’t it? You hit a rough patch, and it feels like the hardest thing you’ve ever faced. But if you stop and look back, you’ll see a trail of battles you’ve already won—not because you were strong, but because God was faithful. 

If you’re young, you might not have many of those stories yet—but you’re building them now. Trust me, one day you’ll look back and see the fingerprints of God all over your journey. And if you’ve walked with God for a while, you’ve got a history with Him. You’ve seen Him show up when you needed Him most. And the same God who helped you then is standing in your corner now.

So whatever you’re facing today, pause and reflect. Look back at the battles won, the prayers answered, the doors opened. Then step forward, knowing the same God who carried you before will carry you again. Just take a moment, breathe deep, and “consider what great things He has done for you.”

I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.

2 thoughts on “Samuel Again!”

  1. Lonnie
    I love to read your day words
    It seems like what you say helps me so much. i am struggling with sadness and other problems more than I have ever had and yes you are right God has been there always for me. but it seems like I am in a standstill, things seem to get worse than better
    I read get encouraged then that very day something happens to add to my problems. The depression of losing my husband seems to keep me from moving forward.
    I want you to know how much your day words mean to me. thank you

    1. Thanks Brenda, that encourages me! My wife died over 2 years ago, So I know how you feel.

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