The Man at the Well

Mary awoke at 7. She lay in bed considering her day. In the 10 minutes it took her to get going a man put a gun to his head and took his life. Mary went to the kitchen to get coffee. In that 10 minutes, a woman living alone took all the pills she had and ended her life. During that hour six people took their own life. Every day, all day, every 10 minutes, someone in America ends their life by their own hand.

Why? The answer is that they feel hopeless, unloved, and alone. With no reason to live, they decide to end their own life. This is not fiction. It is the story of 132 people in America who end their struggle every day.

Jesus once met a woman who struggled with life. She got married. It didn’t last. She married again and again the marriage ended. Five times she tried to find the man of her dreams, the one who would be her partner for life. Five times she failed. Finally, she just gave up and moved in with a man she didn’t even marry. 

In her little village, the women would go to the well to get the day’s water for the home. There was a well in town, but she decided to take the longer trip to go outside of town and to go at noon. It was hot, but there would be fewer people there. 

There were fewer people there, but there was one man there who would change her life. No, he was not a potential husband. He was Jesus.

The story of her encounter with Jesus is told in John 4. Her encounter with Jesus changed her life. To those who look for answers, it always does. To those who don’t, he is just another man at the well. 

Each of us must decide whether Jesus is the answer to how we can change our lives or whether he is just a man at the well.

Destiny is counting on our choice.

Lonnie Davis