The Pitfalls of Isolation

Our wisdom for today is taken from Proverbs 18: verse 1.

“He who isolates himself pursues selfish desires; he rebels against all sound judgment.”

This proverb emphasizes the value of being part of a community. Just like a tree needs sunlight, water, and soil to thrive, we need the presence of others to grow and flourish. Don’t let selfish desires cut you off from the nurturing environment of shared wisdom and support.

Consider the story of Jonah. His selfish desire to avoid preaching to Nineveh resulted in a series of disastrous events. Jonah’s rebellion against sound judgment led to a storm that endangered everyone on the ship, and he ended up in the belly of a great fish. It is only when Jonah acknowledged his need for God’s guidance and the importance of his mission to others that he found redemption and success. Jonah’s isolation and selfish motives led to unnecessary suffering.

An old African Proverb wisely states, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” In your life, you need to go far, so go with someone. Don’t isolate!

I’m Lonnie Davis
And these are thoughts worth thinking.