The Walls Fall Down

Our wisdom for today comes from Proverbs 25:28:

“Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who does not control his temper.”

At first glance, this might seem puzzling. What does it mean for a city to have its walls broken down? In the times of King Solomon, city walls were essential for protection. Take the story of Jericho, for example. When the Hebrews needed to conquer it, God caused its walls to collapse, making it vulnerable to invasion. Without these walls, Jericho was defenseless.

This proverb uses that imagery to teach a lesson about self-control. A person who cannot manage their temper is like a city with crumbling walls, open to attack and chaos. Just as the walls of Jericho were crucial for its defense, self-control is vital for our personal integrity and safety.

Losing our temper can make us vulnerable. Imagine someone who gets angry quickly and then claims, “I get mad, but I get over it just as quickly.” It’s like attending a gathering, throwing gasoline on everyone, and then walking away, thinking everything is fine. But the damage lingers. The virtuous path is to control your temper, not just for yourself but for the well-being of those around you.

I’m Lonnie Davis, and these are thoughts worth thinking.