Our verse for today is 1 John 5:4
“Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”
It’s so easy to become discouraged trying to live as a Christian today. We’re constantly faced with temptations and opposing worldviews that can overwhelm us. Social media, entertainment, and even friends often promote beliefs contrary to biblical truth. Struggling to find time for spiritual discipline in the middle of life’s busyness can leave us feeling defeated in our faith. Finance, health, and relationship problems only add to the challenges.
In the face of all this, John’s words give us great hope. Our victory doesn’t come from trying harder in our own strength, which will eventually fail us. True victory comes when we put our faith in Christ which links us to God’s limitless power at work within us.
This faith stabilizes us like a toddler gripping their parent’s hand. The young child lacks the strength to walk alone, but by holding mom or dad’s hand, they’re supported step-by-step. Through faith, we grip Christ’s mighty hand. Our victory stems not from self, but from the Savior living in us.
As we walk through life anchored to Jesus, His strength leads us to overcome darkness. Even when we feel drained and defeated, His power in us is greater than any challenge faced. The key isn’t trying harder alone, but continually relying on Christ’s strength through faith.
No matter what you face, hold tightly to Jesus’ hand today. Draw deeply from His endless love and power. The victory has already been won by Christ! Staying connected to Him by faith, He will lead you to overcome.
Lonnie Davis