Two Things

Today’s Scripture is Psalm 4:3:

“Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him.”

As you read this verse, pay attention to those first two words: “Know that.” What follows are truths that God wants you to hold onto.

First, “The Lord has set apart the godly for Himself.” God has a special relationship with those who seek Him. Even if you sometimes feel alone, remember you’re never truly alone, for He has set you apart as part of His purpose. Think of when Jesus told His disciples that they would abandon Him, yet He would not be alone: “For my Father is with me” (John 16:32). Just like Jesus, you are never outside of God’s care or plans.

Second, David says, “The Lord hears when I call to Him.” God listens and responds to the prayers of His people. A big reason for a weak prayer life is doubting that God actually hears. If you don’t believe He is listening, it’s hard to keep praying. For David, prayer wasn’t just a ritual; it was real communication. He prayed with conviction, knowing that God was listening—and that kind of trust leads to a life of prayer.

I’m Lonnie Davis, and this is a thought worth thinking.