Well Said, but

Today’s Scripture is Jonah 1:9.  

“I am a Hebrew,” replied Jonah. “I worship the LORD, the God of the heavens, who made the sea and the dry land.”

Jonah’s confession of who he is and who he worships seems strong. He declares his faith in God, the Creator of all things. Yet, Jonah’s actions tell a different story. He is running from God’s call, trying to escape the very One he claims to fear and serve. There’s a clear tension between Jonah’s belief and his behavior. How often do we find ourselves in a similar situation—professing one thing but doing another?

This verse reminds us that true faith is reflected in our actions, not just in our words. Jonah knew the truth, but his disobedience showed the struggle within. As Jane Austen wisely said, “It’s not what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.” Our behavior, especially when tested, reveals the depth of our faith. Jonah’s journey teaches us that acknowledging God is not enough; we must align our lives with what we believe.

God’s grace pursued Jonah, just as it does with us. May we learn to live out our faith in both word and deed, trusting that God’s call is always for our good.

I’m Lonnie Davis, and this is a thought worth thinking.